Happy Birthday to us!
The beginning of May marks our first birthday - and what a great year it's been. I want to say it's been a "roller coaster" year, but really, it's only been up up up with no downs! We're sincerely grateful for everyone who has supported us, and especially grateful for the thousands of you who have placed orders. To celebrate, we're having a small sale as a way to say "thank you" and commemorate one year of bringing excellent products at excellent prices.

BIGROCK Sohteah + CRW CS Wheels: Save $250
Our lightest wheels and our lightest frames? Sounds like the start of an epic climbing build. Choose any Bigrock Sohtea (The super light version or the ultra light race version) and any pair of CRW CS wheels and save $250.
Discount Code: BirthdayOne
(Add the items to your shopping cart and use the above discount code at checkout.)

Any 2 Pairs of CRW CS Wheels: Save $360
Our most popular wheelset; the CRW CS series. Find a friend and go halves to get the best deal. Or, if you're as crazy as we are; it wouldn't be too bad to buy one shallow and deep pair for yourself... would it?
Discount Code: BirthdayTwo
(Add the items to your shopping cart and use the above discount code at checkout.)

10% off any CYBREI Crankset
Ligter than any crankset that comes stock on a big-brand bike, the CYBREI cranksets are a great way to shed weight off a build. Stiff, lightweight and available with or without a power meter and with or without chainrings. There's an option for everyone.
Discount Code: BirthdayThree
(Add the items to your shopping cart and use the above discount code at checkout.)