Shipping & Delivery

Shipping & Delivery

Almost every price on our website includes free shipping. As a general rule free shipping is available on orders of $20 or more. We want to simplify the shopping experience so all prices include delivery to your door. The price you see is the price you pay.

What are my choices for shipping?

We have two main options for shipping: Standard Shipping and Express Shipping.

Standard Shipping:

Standard shipping is free on most orders to most countries. Our standard shipping prioritizes getting the goods to you safely and without any unwanted taxes or fees. In the unlikely event you are faced with fees, these fees are your responsibility and we will not be held accountable. However, most goods to most countries will be free of duties when choosing standard shipping. Due to standard shipping’s emphasis on avoiding duties and fees, it’s not the fastest shipping option. Expect your goods to arrive in about four weeks. We’ll supply you with a tracking number so you can see where your goods are.

Priority Shipping:

Priority shipping is available for some orders. For some size packages to certain countries we have the option for priority shipping which is usually a lot faster than Standard Shipping but isn’t carried out by the big courier companies. If priority shipping and Express shipping are the same price; you can just choose Express Shipping. Because every package and every country is different, it’s impossible for us to list here exactly how your package will get delivered. If you want to know, contact us.

Express Shipping:

Express shipping carries a surcharge depending on the goods chosen and the destination country. The priority is on getting the goods to you as fast as possible. There is a very high chance that you will have to pay import taxes or duties when choosing express shipping. We do our best to minimize these fees, but the exact fees will vary. On average, most customers get charged around ~10% taxes. We’ll supply you with a tracking number once your goods are shipped.

What if my package gets damaged in shipping?

Don’t worry. Firstly we only choose reputable courriers to minimize the risk of damage. However if your goods are damaged in transit you are insured. We will work out a solution with you ASAP.

What should I do if the package arrives damaged?

FIrstly, if you sign for the goods make sure you check the goods before signing. If you notice some damage to the packaging you can sign for the package as DAMAGED. If the goods inside the package are clearly damaged you can outright refuse the package. If your goods arrived damaged, take photos of the damage and email them to us at . We’ll work with you to resolve the problem.

Is my package tracked?

Yes! We will send you a tracking number a day or two after your goods leave our warehouse. Sometimes the tracking numbers don’t update until the goods get to their destination country, but rest assured – the package is on the way.